Sam White

Sam White

MEng Engineering Science 2016
DPhil Engineering Science 2020

Sam was born in Bournemouth, moved to Devon and attended the local grammar school—Colyton. He joined Keble in 2016 as a Moritz-Heyman scholar. Over his six years at Keble, Sam has tried to get involved in as many aspects of College life as possible. From raising money on the Telethon to getting stuck in with the JCR Common Room refurbishment (somehow negotiating an extra £10k from the Bursar with JCR President Sam Edwards!) and being head of logistics for the very sadly cancelled 150th Anniversary Ball.

Sam says there was no chance of him doing his DPhil anywhere other than Keble. Starting his DPhil in the pandemic, he became heavily involved in the MCR Committee, first as Environmental Officer and then President. He spent a lot of his year as President rebuilding the community spirit as the College—and the rest of the world—came out of the depths of Lockdown.

Sam has given tutorials for the Engineering undergrads since the first year of his DPhil, and in 2022 he starts a Lectureship which he is “very excited about”. “I am very fortunate to be a tutor at Keble.”

Sam is passionate about many aspects of engineering, across the disciplines. During sixth form he was awarded an Arkwright Scholarship for potential in engineering and leadership, and is now involved in volunteering with mentoring and interviewing candidates. His MEng project, which looked at air quality in Oxford, won the IMechE best project certificate, while his DPhil focuses on future fuels to help decarbonise passenger vehicles.

“I owe an enormous amount to my supportive parents”. Sam’s mother, a teaching assistant, has been ever encouraging. Having survived the sinking of HMS Sheffield in the Falklands conflict when he was just 18, his father went on to balance a job, Open University degree and raising two young sons.

“Also, a big shoutout to Felix Leach for being a great tutor, supervisor and mentor!”


Kate Varah


Lionel Tarassenko