Portraits I (2019)

Peter Rawlins

MA English 1969
Former Chief Executive of the London Stock Exchange

Few students can combine cattle farming with their academic studies, but whilst at Keble, the ever-avuncular Peter Rawlins lodged out in rural Kiddington where he helped raise the largest herd of short-horn dairy cattle in the country.

A drama devotee, Peter was Director of the Oxford Theatre Group and memorably appeared in front of Princess Margaret in the College’s centenary production of Pre-Raphaelites. He also took a production of Fool’s Paradise up to the Edinburgh Fringe.

After leaving Keble, he trained as a Chartered Accountant and spent 12 years with Arthur Andersen. He then spent ten years in high profile leadership and change management roles in the City of London, driving the modernisation of London’s international insurance and capital markets. He was Chief Executive of the London Stock Exchange following the UK’s “Big Bang” and helped lay the foundations of today’s wholly digital securities market. He set up his own coaching and mentoring consultancy in 1994.

Always passionate about the arts and national heritage, he has served on the boards of many national performing arts organisations. He chaired the Michael Palin Centre for Stammering in Childhood for ten years.

In 2008 Peter was diagnosed with Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis. Despite the challenges caused by living with the disease he has continued to work and is kept busy with the hectic lives of his four younger children. Amongst all this he still finds the time and energy to support the College, regularly attending events in London and in Oxford. An active Year Group Rep for 1969 and a member of the Warden’s Court, Peter has an unrivalled passion for Keble and in particular the Hall. He initiated the renovation project and volunteered to take the inaugural ride in the Hall lift at the opening in 2017.


Ronit Kanwar


Caroline Criado-Perez