Portraits I (2019)

Gerard McHugh

Joined 2002
Former Hall and Beverage Manager

The ebullient and perennially elegant Gerard McHugh was Hall and Beverage Manager at Keble for over 11 years.

Renowned for his sartorial splendour, impeccable manners and enduring joie de vivre, Gerard was and still is beloved by staff and students alike. When he finally retired in 2013 the JCR presented him with a framed version of his iconic waistcoat and bowtie.

One of his former assistants, Ben Lay, now a Lieutenant in the Royal Navy, describes him as a “sage mentor” who at a time of crisis was on hand to offer wise counsel over a cuppa:

“His avuncular concern, worldy pragmatism and a reassurance born of his deep-seated integrity, Gerard made the world seem less daunting. Fuelled constantly by tea (Gerard’s motto was “No Tea, no work!”) he could work all hours and maintain his impeccable professionalism, swearing only in Latin.”

The young Master McHugh’s first visit to Keble, back in 1974 when he applied to read Classics, did not go well. Called for interview with Adrian Hollis, Gerard recalls, “we’d just started to discuss Agamemnon and I puked.”

Instead, Gerard went to Exeter College but twenty-eight years later, after years working in the hospitality industry, he returned to Keble to take up a new role in Hall.

With his signature bow tie and enduring enthusiasm for good food, good wine and good people, Gerard’s larger than life personality ensures an enduring place in Keble’s heart and history.

“I love this place to the depths of my soul and Keble has always had the best ethos in the University. If I have sent young people out into the world so they can behave at table, that’s not a bad thing.”


Edwin Cameron


Anne-Marie Imafidon